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The study of the numbers and their occult significations is of remotest antiquity. Its development had been continued through several centuries, and it has withstood the test of Time. Down the ages it had attracted innumerable people of superior intellect and spiritual level. For attributing special significations to the individual numbers, a unique system of symbolism had been adopted – which makes it obvious that the numbers are essentially not meant for enumeration only. Some connection seems to exist between our apprehension of observable things and the cosmic laws. It’s study helps us to learn the divine expression – which manifests to us through cosmic elements as Nature. Why not peep in the wonder-world of numbers?
The subject of Numerology is fascinating. Like everything else, every letter corresponds to some number or the other, and the numbers are not just typical figures; every individual number has it’s typical and varied significations, and offers a wide range of possibilities. Delve deeper, and discover for yourself a deeper understanding and wider appreciation of the mysteries of the universe. Numerology is the golden key – which helps us to comprehend the analogy that exists between the laws of matter and those of mind.
List of Contents
- The Chief Constituents of Western Numerology
- Significations of The Name Number
- Significations of The Date Number
- Significations of The Signature Figure
- Finding The “Name Number” By Using Various Methods :
- As Per The Chaldean System
- As Per The Pythagorean System
- As Per The Hebrew System
- As Per The System Of Numerary
- The Symbolic Significations of The Individual Numbers:
- Interpretations By Chaldean Method
- Interpretations By Pythagorean Method
- Description of The Twenty-Two “Tarot” Enumeration Keys :
- Symbolic Significations
- Allegorical Significations
- The “Numeroscope” (or Numerological Horoscope) :
- Generic Results of The ‘Numerical Conjunctions’ :
- Tripple Conjunction – Vertical.
- Tripple Conjunction – Horizontal.
- Double Conjunction – Vertical.
- Double Conjunction – Horizontal.
- Answering Interesting Questions Through Numerology :
- Guess What A Person Is Thinking of or About ?
- Whereabouts of Something Misplaced or Lost ?
- Success or Realization of The Object In View.
- Results of Planets Ruling The Weekday, Hour & Minute.
- Divination of Winning Numbers – Single Digit & Double Digit.
- Ancient Indian Numerology – “Ashtamangalam”Paddhati : (For Answering Specific Queries Of Serious Nature)
- Happenings Of Past – Present – Future ?
- Prospect During The Year Ahead ?
- Composite Predictions from Sun-Sign and Root Number (General, Finance, Health, Favorable Dates, Unfavorable Dates, Favorable Colors, Favorable Gemstones, Climacteric years of your life)
- Numerological Particulars in at least 50 different heads.
- Name change option.
- Numerological Dasha System.
- Daily Prediction with Important things for that particulars day.
- Monthly Prediction with Important things for that particulars month.
- Yearly Prediction
- Predictions for different Signs for that day.
- In depth analysis of your name and nick name
- Life analysis through numerology (General analysis and precautions, Ailments and Remedies, Profession or Occupation, Weak Periods, Strong Periods, Favorable Days, Friendship, Romance, Married Life, Favorable Gems, Favorable Herbs, Herbal Bath, Donations, Deity, Various Mantras (Gaytri, graham, jaap), Fasting, Vastu, Yantra )
- You can check compatibility between your Name and Date of Birth with other factors like House Number., Mobile Number, PAN Number, Account Number, Voter I-Card Number, Aadhar Card Number and much more.